How Much Vitamin K in Grass Fed Beef

There is increasing interest in the menaquinones, the forms of vitamin K2 that are produced in animal tissues and equally a result of bacterial fermentation. What information there currently is in the scientific literature about its content in foods appears to be rather scattered in journals that few people have admission to and then I idea I would take an attempt to present some of the nearly relevant information together hither. What I hope this volition do is both show how limited the testing and then far has been, the variation amidst similar foods, and the range of sub-types of vitamin K2 to be found in our foods.

Vitamin K is an essential nutrient for the man trunk however rather than existence a unmarried compound it is composed of a group of structurally related compounds. These compounds all include the same agile quinine ring molecule at their end giving them their vitamin Yard activeness. Where they differ is in their side chains, with vitamin K1 having a tail of iv phytyl groups, while the tails of the vitamin K2 sub-types are formed of a varying number of isoprenoid groups.


Vitamin K1 (Phylloquinone) is always of plant origin and is the form of vitamin K that has been known longest. It's occurrence in plant foods tin exist found detailed in food food databases. Vitamin K2 (Menaquinones) is less well known and merely occurs in foods of fauna origin or foods altered past bacterial fermentation. Menaquinone-4 (mk-4), the sub-type produced by animal tissues and menaquinone-seven (mk-seven), found in the fermented soya edible bean food natto, are the best studied but a number of other forms are found in fermented dairy products similar cheese.

Liver is often seen suggested equally a source of vitamin K2 and beef liver in particular has been recommended as a good dietary source. From the tables beneath it seems that while the beef liver tested contains mk-iv, it is not a particularly good source. However, most studies have not tested for long-chain menaquinones, mk-6 to mk-13, which are produced by the bacterial fermentation in the stomachs of cattle and provide them with a readily absorbable source of vitamin K2. When captivated from the gut these reach the liver first where they appear to remain. This can exist seen equally very little long concatenation menaquinones were detected in any of the other meat or organs of cattle. The merely small study that has tested for these constitute quite high levels of menaquinones eleven, 12, and 13. I would like to encounter this confirmed but information technology does advise that mk-4 is not the whole story in beef liver. Unfortunately, the full amount of vitamin K2 and the diverse menaquinones in beef liver is uncertain, every bit only solitary minor study has measured these.

Vitamin K in animal products 1

Poultry products, including liver, are by and large a good source of vitamin K2 in the form of menaquinones-iv. Other forms of vitamin K2 are not constitute in craven equally chickens have a limited capacity for bacterial product of menaquinones in their gut, relying instead on vitamin Yard in their diet. In their natural diet this would probably be provided by phylloquinone in the leaves of plants they eat which is converted into menaquinone-four by the chicken. All the same, the feed of poultry is instead normally supplemented with enough of menadione, a synthetic class of vitamin One thousand (K3), that is readily converted in to menaquinone-4, resulting in high levels of mk-4 in all parts of the chicken. The menadione is added because chickens are vulnerable to vitamin K deficiencies, particularly when they are young, and the addition of menadione reduces the risk of this deficiency on commercial chicken farms. This leads me to suspect that the high levels of menaquinone-4 reported in the liver, meat and egg yolks of chickens tested so far, which are all most likely to have come from commercially reared chickens, may be due to their supplemented feed. It is possible that chickens kept under atmospheric condition that are more natural for the chicken will have lower levels of menaquinones-iv in their meat and eggs. My understanding is that due to the large amounts of bacteria in the guts of ruminants they do not usually require supplemental forms of vitamin Thou in their diets.

Of all the beast foods foie gras, the fattened liver of force fed geese, stands out equally the richest source of vitamin K2 in the form of menaquinone-4. It seems uncertain as to why this liver and their mankind contain such loftier amounts. Geese will graze on green plants to a greater caste than chickens, if given the chance, and perhaps they are only very good at converting phylloquinone to menaquinone-4. Even so, during the production of foie gras geese are fed a nutrition high in corn that is not a practiced source of vitamin Grand. I am uncertain as to whether their diets are besides supplemented with menadione.

Vitamin K in animal products 2

The vitamin K in dairy products is generally in the course of menaquinone-four produced in the tissues of the moo-cow from other forms of the vitamin in their diets for from their intestinal leaner. Phylloquinone (K1) tin too be seen in modest amounts and must originate from the diet of the cows. As menaquinone-four is fatty soluble it is concentrated in dairy products with higher fat contents with butter containing the almost.

The various types of natto tested contain the highest content of vitamin K2 of any food in the form of menaquinone-7. Sauerkraut was also tested by a single study in kingdom of the netherlands and showed rather small amounts of a variety of menaquinones, although how traditional the methods of manufacture were is unknown.

Vitamin K in animal products 3

The menaquinones found in cheese are more often than not mk-half-dozen to mk-ten which are the menaquinones produced by the bacteria used in the production of cheeses. Modest amounts of phylloquinone and menaquinones-4 are as well found which originate from the milk used. The amount and mixture of menaquinones in fermented dairy products seems to vary quite a lot betwixt different products and inside the aforementioned type of product. Cheeses produced with propionibacteria, such every bit Jarlsberg, Emmental, and Gouda have been shown to contain some of the highest amounts in the form of menaquinone-9. Still, the results here show that other types of cheese, including soft cheeses and bluish cheese can every bit contain loftier amounts of various menaquinones. The nutritional result of this form of vitamin K on human health take and then far received piddling attention.

Vitamin K in animal products 4

A surprising finding is the menaquinone-9 content of mesophillic fermented milks from various countries. Unhelpfully the written report in question does not particular what these products were though mesophilic refers to the lower temperature of the fermentation and so implies that these were milk products such as kefir.


(Emphasis mine).
Elderberry SJ, Haytowitz DB, Howe J, Peterson JW, Booth SL. (2006) Vitamin thousand contents of meat, dairy, and fast food in the U.South. diet. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. 25;54(2):463-7. (Pubmed).
"The purpose of this study was to determine the contents of three forms of vitamin K [phylloquinone, dihydrophylloquinone, and menaquinone-4 (MK-4)] in representative samples (including unlike samples within the same food category) of meat (n = 128), dairy and eggs (northward = 24), and fast foods (n = 169) mutual to the U.South. diet. The findings of our analysis indicate that no single food item in these categories is a rich dietary source of whatever one class of vitamin One thousand. Nonetheless, these foods are ofttimes consumed in big quantities; hence, they may be of importance in overall contribution to total vitamin 1000 intake. The presence of MK-4 in meat, eggs, and dairy foods could be important every bit physiologic functions unique to MK-iv are identified."
How-do-you-do rauchi Thou, Sakano T, Notsumoto S, Nagaoka T, Morimoto A, Fujimoto Yard, Masuda S, Suzuki Y. (1989) Measurement of K vitamins in animate being tissues by high-operation liquid chromatography with fluorimetric detection. Journal of Chromatography. 29;497:131-7. (Pubmed).
"A highly sensitive method for measuring endogenous phylloquinone and menaquinones in animal tissues was developed, based on high-performance liquid chromatography with coulometric reduction and fluorimetric detection, following extraction from tissue homogenate and purification on a Sep-Pak silica cartridge followed by thin-layer chromatography. The detection limits of phylloquinone, menaquinone-4, -six, -10 and -xiii were 40, 40, 50, lxx and 80 pg/g in rat liver, respectively."
Hojo One thousand, Watanabe R, Mori T, Taketomo Northward. (2007) Quantitative measurement of tetrahydromenaquinone-9 in cheese fermented past propionibacteria. J ournal of Dairy Sci ence. ninety(9):4078-83. (Pubmed).
"Propionibacteria produce tetrahydromenaquinone-9 [MK-nine (4H)] as a major menaquinone (vitamin K2). This study aimed to determine the MK-9 (4H) concentration in commercial propionibacteria-fermented cheese. The MK-nine (4H) concentration was quantified using an HPLC instrument with a fluorescence detector after postcolumn reduction. Among the diverse cheese samples, the MK-9 (4H) concentration was highest in Norwegian Jarlsberg cheese, followed by Swiss Emmental cheese. In contrast, the MK-9 (4H) concentrations in Appenzeller or Gruyère cheeses were extremely low or undetected. Too, the concentrations in Comte and Raclette cheeses were lower than those in Jarlsberg and Emmental cheeses. In the present study, the MK- 9 (4H) concentration in cheese showed a correlation with the viable propionibacterial jail cell count and propionate concentration. This implies that the increase in propionibacteria contributed to the generation of MK-9 (4H) in cheese. We presumed, based on these results, that Swiss Emmental and Norwegian Jarlsberg cheeses contain a meaningful corporeality of vitamin K because of their high MK-9 (4H) concentrations (200 to 650 ng/g)."
Kamao M, Suhara Y, Tsugawa Northward, Uwano Yard, Yamaguchi Due north, Uenishi Yard, Ishida H, Sasaki Due south, Okano T. (2007) Vitamin K content of foods and dietary vitamin One thousand intake in Japanese young women. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology. 53(6):464-seventy. (Pubmed).
"Several reports indicate an important part for vitamin K in os wellness as well as blood coagulation. However, the current Adequate Intakes (AI) might not be sufficient for the maintenance of bone health. To obtain a closer estimate of dietary intake of phylloquinone (PK) and menaquinones (MKs), PK, MK-4 and MK-seven contents in food samples (58 nutrient items) were determined by an improved high-performance liquid chromatography method. Next, we assessed dietary vitamin K intake in young women living in eastern Nihon using vitamin Yard contents measured here and the Standard Tables of Food Composition in Nippon. PK was widely distributed in green vegetables and algae, and high amounts were found in spinach and broccoli (raw, 498 and 307 microg/100 g wet weight, respectively). Although MK-four was widely distributed in creature products, overall MK-4 content was lower than PK. MK-vii was observed characteristically in fermented soybean products such as natto (939 microg/100 g). The mean total vitamin K intake of all subjects (using data from this study and Japanese food composition tables) was about 230 microg/d and 94% of participants met the AI of vitamin 1000 for women aged 18-29 y in Nippon, 60 microg/d. The contributions of PK, MK-iv and MK-vii to total vitamin Thou intake were 67.7, 7.3 and 24.9%, respectively. PK from vegetables and algae and MK-vii from pulses (including fermented soybean foods) were the major contributors to the total vitamin Thou intake of immature women living in eastern Nihon."
Koivu-Tikkanen TJ, Ollilainen V, Piironen VI. (2000) Conclusion of phylloquinone and menaquinones in animal products with fluorescence detection afterward postcolumn reduction with metallic zinc. Periodical of Agronomics and Nutrient Chemistry. 48(12):6325-31. (Pubmed).
"A high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for the determination of phylloquinone and menaquinones in foods of beast origin is described. The G vitamers were quantified with a fluorescence detector after postcolumn reduction with metallic zinc using K1(25) as an internal standard. Extraction was washed either with 2-propanol-hexane (meat and fish products) or with acid hydrolysis method (dairy products). Prior to quantification, sample extracts were purified by semipreparative HPLC; in add-on, the fats of cheese and rainbow trout samples were removed with lipase hydrolysis. Past this method the phylloquinone and menaquinones (MK-4 to MK-ten) present in a few representative samples of dissimilar animal food groups were determined. HPLC-MS was used to confirm the identification of K vitamers. Long-chain menaquinones were found from bovine and pig livers every bit well equally from various cheeses. The total vitamin Grand contents calculated as the sum of quantified Chiliad vitamers were in full general low (hateful content 10-100 ng/g); the highest amount was analyzed in chicken meat (600 ng/thou)."
Manoury E, Jourdon K, Boyaval P, Fourcassié P. (2013) Quantitative measurement of vitamin K2 (menaquinones) in various fermented dairy products using a reliable high-operation liquid chromatography method. Journal of Dairy Science. 96(three):1335-46. (Pubmed).
"We evaluated menaquinone contents in a big set up of 62 fermented dairy products samples by using a new liquid chromatography method for authentic quantification of lipo-soluble vitamin G(ii), including distribution of private menaquinones. The method used a elementary and rapid purification step to remove matrix components in diverse fermented dairy products 3 times faster than a reference preparation step. Moreover, the chromatography elution time was significantly shortened and resolution and efficiency were optimized. We observed wide diverseness of vitamin K(2) contents in the set of fermented dairy products, from undetectable to 1,100 ng/one thousand of product, and a remarkable diversity of menaquinone forms among products. These observations relate to the main microorganism species currently in the dissimilar fermented product technologies. The major form in this large prepare of fermented dairy products was menaquinone (MK)-nine, and contents of MK-nine and MK-8 forms were correlated, that of MK-9 beingness effectually four times that of MK-8, suggesting that microorganisms able to produce MK-9 besides produce MK-8. This was not the case for the other menaquinones, which were produced independently of each other. Finally, no obvious link was established between MK-9 content and fatty content or pH of the fermented dairy products."
Schurgers LJ, Vermeer C. (2000) Determination of phylloquinone and menaquinones in food. Effect of food matrix on circulating vitamin Thou concentrations. Haemostasis. thirty(6):298-307. (Pubmed).

"Fluctuations in international normalized ratio values are often ascribed to dietary changes in vitamin Thousand intake. Here we present a database with vitamin K(1) and K(2) contents of a wide variety of nutrient items. K(1) was mainly present in green vegetables and establish margarins, K(2) in meat, liver, butter, egg yolk, natto, cheese and curd cheese. To investigate the effect of the food matrix on vitamin K bioavailability, 6 healthy male volunteers consumed either a detergent-solubilized 1000(1) (iii.v micromol) or a meal consisting 400 one thousand of spinach (3.5 micromol M(1)) and 200 one thousand of natto (3.1 micromol K(2)). The absorption of pure K(ane) was faster than that of food-bound K vitamins (serum peak values at iv h vs. 6 h after ingestion). Moreover, circulating K(2) concentrations after the consumption of natto were about x times higher than those of K(1) later on eating spinach. It is concluded that the contribution of One thousand(two) vitamins (menaquinones) to the human vitamin Chiliad condition is before long underestimated, and that their potential interference with oral anticoagulant treatment needs to be investigated."


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