Can You Do 2 Fleet Enemas in a Row

  • All Posts, Hospice and Palliative Medicine (HPM), Meded

The dangers of oral sodium phosphate preparations are fairly well known in the medical community. In 2006 the FDA issued information technology's commencement warning that patients taking oral sodium phosphate preparations are at risk for potential for acute kidney injury. Two years later, over-the-counter preparations of these drugs were voluntarily withdrawn by the manufacturers.  Those agents still available by prescription were given black box warnings mainly due to acute phosphate nephropathy that tin can result in renal failure, peculiarly in older adults. Despite all this talk of oral preparations, little was mentioned about a sodium phosphate preparation that is withal available over-the-counter – the Armada enema .

Why Oral Sodium Phosphate Preparations Are Dangerous

Before we go into the risks of Fleet enemas, lets spend just a couple sentences on why oral sodium phosphate preparations carry significant risks. First, oral sodium phosphate preparations can cause significant fluid shifts inside the colon resulting in intravascular book depletion. 2nd, these preparations tin can cause electrolyte disturbances including significant hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, and hypokalemia.  A significant clinically of import rise in serum phosphate tin fifty-fifty be seen in elderly patients with normal renal function. (J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2004;19(i):68). Lastly, phosphate nephropathy may occur due to the transient and potentially severe increase in serum phosphate combined with volume depletion from the fluid shifts.

Why the Same Holds True for Sodium Phosphate Enemas (aka Fleet enemas)

A fleet enema works as a hyper-osmotic laxative that draws in water into the gastrointestinal tract.  In good for you younger adults, this action shouldn't pose a problem as the laxative action from a fleet enema occurs relatively speedily, then there is little absorption of phosphate.

Still, what if your patient isn't a health young developed?  What if they are older, frailer, and taking multiple medications, including some that may slow their bowels down like opioids or those with anticholinergics properties?  A recent publication by Yaacov Ori and colleagues titled "Fatalities and Severe Metabolic Disorders Associated With the Use of Sodium Phosphate Enemas" gives some evidence that great caution is warranted when prescribing Armada enemas in this population.

Yaacov Ori and colleauges conducted a retrospective case series of eleven elderly patients (mean age of 80) at the Rabin Medical Center in Israel. Ten of these patients received Fleet enemas for relief of constipation and one received information technology equally a proctoscopy prep. Three of these patients received 500-800 mL of sodium phosphate and 8 patients received approximately 250mL (for a comparison, a typical over-the-counter Fleet enema comes in either a 118 and 197 ml dose). Baseline renal function was normal (eGFR past MDRD of 60mL/min) in 4 patients with a range of 25 to 57 mL/min in the other seven.

What they constitute was that renal function deteriorated in all 11 patients. Hypotension and extreme hyperphosphatemia was prominent in 8 of these patients. The serum calcium level was dangerously low in 8 patients. Five patients died. An autopsy on one patient revealed calcium phosphate calcifications within the renal tubular lumens.

The Take Home Point – But Don't Utilise It

There are some medications that despite years of utilize should be conspicuously abandoned in older individuals or those with avant-garde affliction (i.due east. the GeriPal population).Colace is an excellent example of a medication that offers piffling benefit but also trivial damage in younger, healthier populations. Notwithstanding, in patients that are frail, hospitalized, or approaching the terminate of life, the risks brainstorm to significantly outweigh any possible do good.

Armada enemas should also be relegated to this list of medications that should generally be avoided unless your patient is a very robust older adult.  We should besides teach others that if yous do happen to social club a Fleet enema for a hospitalized or nursing home patient, you should never give a second dose in succession if the get-go trial fails.   Lastly, we should educate patients and their caregivers that medications, similar the pictured Fleet product with "70% more volume," should non be considered safety merely because it can be found in the over-the-counter aisle.

by: Eric Widera (follow on twitter at @ewidera)


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