Naked Wives Spanked in Front of Family Stories

Christian Domestic Field of study, "wife spanking," Christian Patriarchy Movement, Spanking of Adult Children, Denominational Practices and teachings


Two summers ago, I received a telephone call from a pastor who shared his growing business most wife-spanking in his family unit of churches. Months later, I finally reported on the topic of wife spanking in this article: The Christian Patriarchy Movement's Dark Surreptitious of Married woman Spanking. Wife spanking is frequently referred to as Christian Domestic Discipline, as if to brand it more politically correct. Equally far as I'm concerned, information technology should be called attack and reported to authorities immediately. The commodity was popular with over 600 comments. Since so, the most common search term which brings people to the blog is"married woman spanking." Some of the search phrases make me want to vomit.

I'k issuing a trigger alarm for this subject. Information technology is very disturbing to read. Please be careful if you are easily triggered past topics of corruption.

Responses to Lawsuit Filed against Sovereign Grace Ministries

Last week, I received an e-mail service from "Lauren," a victim of domestic violence, "Christian Domestic Subject field" or "wife spanking:"


Julie Anne:

I found an old mail of yours from terminal yr.  Thank you for writing and shedding light on some other form of domestic abuse that doesn't get talked nearly very much.  It'southward one thing when it is a Ray Rice state of affairs similar in the news now.  Simply I think there are probably other women in conservative or decision-making "Christian" households where the husband thinks it is OK to spank his married woman like simply another child in the house.

I was in such a relationship for a while.  I grew upwardly in a very conservative, Southern household and was spanked at home until I left.  So when my husband spanked me the first time, I was embarrassed, but I thought maybe it was my fault or somehow it was OK.

It was very hard considering it was not similar I had a blackness eye or bruises.  It was only ever his open up hand on my lesser which made me feel like I could never tell someone else or explain it.  It took a long fourth dimension for me to have the forcefulness to leave him.


My head went spinning. Did Lauren and her married man accept whatever connections with the Patriarchy Movement? Or were they connected with teachings like to an commodity I wrote, Wife Undermines Her Hubby's Dominance in Front of Children, He Disciplines Her?

Update (12/28/15): previously, in that location were ii YouTube videos posted of Dr. Phil'south show posted here. They accept since been removed from YouTube. I was able to find the two snippets from the show below:

The husband in the commodity (and Dr. Phil'southward prove) as well claimed to be a Christian (non-denominational background). He spanked his wife so he could become the "demons out" and to stop the bad beliefs which he labeled as narcissism. He demanded that his wife call him "sir."

Pat Robertson is some other known figure in Christiandom who has said some shocking statements near how husbands should treat wives. He responded to a question from a husband about his unruly wife saying the husband could go a Muslim so he could beat out his wife.  See for yourself. The clip is merely over one minute long:


Where are these teachings coming from?

 Is information technology limited to a specific surface area or denomination?

How can it exist prevalent and endorsed in some circles of Christianity and yet called out as corruption in others?


After reading Lauren's letter and sharing back and along east-mails, I had then many questions. I wanted to know how did Lauren become from the signal where "married woman spanking" was considered "normal" to the place where she said, "THIS IS WRONG – it is ABUSE!"

Lauren and I exchanged e-mails (edited slightly for brevity) and Lauren gave me permission to share with y'all our chat, in the hopes that information technology volition assist other wives and likewise shed light on this dark secret in Christianity:


BRAVO for you!!  I'g and then glad you found the force to leave your calumniating marriage. How did you finally put it all together that wife spanking was wrong? Did you find someone to share with?

I know I am a question box but I besides know that what you experienced is going on in homes around the country and people just like you lot are labeling it every bit "normal" just considering of what you described – – because parents are taught that it'south ok to spank children fifty-fifty through adulthood as long as they are under the father's roof.  Information technology makes consummate sense that someone raised in this culture would extend it to domestic corruption.

How are you doing at present?  Did you become support from friends and family after leaving him?


Julie Anne,

I got back up from friends and it was merely when I opened up to them that they helped me run into it was wrong.  I am not estranged from my parents but I did non get their support.  Instead, they wanted to know what I had done incorrect to "need" to be punished and felt that I had abased my wedding vows when I left him.  😦

I think you lot are exactly correct.  I got spanked at dwelling house until I left to be with my ex when I was 21.  Our church pastor growing up would talk virtually disciplining co-ordinate to emotional age, not actual age.  And I was told that since I was acting immaturely, this was the consequence.  I don't know where the line is, but looking dorsum at present I retrieve I tin say that spanking even at fourteen or 15 was non right and certainly not up to the age I was.

It took such a long time because that line had been blurred from growing upwards and so being married.  I didn't see it as abuse.  It was not like he was drunk and beating me with his fists.  It was confusing considering information technology felt no unlike than when I was at domicile.  I would commit some offense that my parents/husband thought was wrong, I was told I was going to be punished, I would end up over a lap and afterward would exist told to pray.

I am doing much better now and am very glad to exist removed from all that.  Not only him, but the church building and the people in that location.



Aye, that makes a lot of sense – information technology was a normal progression for you.  You went from your father every bit protector/provider/dominance to your husband as protector/provider/authorisation. It'southward a logical progression.

[I so asked Lauren if she'd be willing to share her story anonymously.]



Julie Anne,

I think I would exist OK with that, especially if bearding.  I imagine the biggest thing other women might exist experiencing is that embarrassment, demoralizing, and feeling very disempowered.  Especially in situations where the adult female feels something is wrong but might non think of herself as "abused."  My husband was only ii years older (merely he is shut to half-dozen feet alpine and heavily muscled and I am effectually five feet tall  and nether 100 lbs).  Nonetheless I was expected to telephone call him "sir" at all times and I was ofttimes addressed as "young lady" or "fiddling daughter," which was a abiding put-down that made me feel small and powerless.

Even the words used I think brand some women question whether information technology is wrong or not.  It'south not called "beatings" or "abuse," which is what it is.  Calling it merely a "spanking" in some means covers up what is going on, I remember.  I know for a long time I did non consider myself a dilapidated or abused wife.

He wasn't hitting me with closed fists or objects.  It ranged anywhere from a swat or two over my clothing up to him pulling down my pants for episodes that left me tearful.  But he never swore, or acted out of command.  So I deluded myself to thinking that I wasn't like those women in shelter's scared for their lives.  While he never threatened my life physically and I still think he would never have that in him, the fact is that the abuse did threaten my "life" in terms of making me feel very alone and afraid not very adept inside.




The size difference between you and he is considerable and would exist very threatening. From what yous depict, information technology sounds like he had a sense of entitlement over yous – you were an object to exist owned rather than a cherished wife to exist treasured and loved.

Was your church role of a particular denomination? Were you homeschooled or was homeschooling prominent in your church?   Did you lot hear of anyone else going through the same thing?  How about at your own domicile growing upward, was your mother spanked?  Did you meet your ex-husband at church or was he from outside the church building?



Julie Anne,

The thing is that he never raged.  At times he could exist very sweet and charming.  But over it all was always this sense of control and "he was the man."  My wedding vows included a vow to obey and he would ofttimes remind me that God commanded wives to submit and obey their husbands as they were supposed to exercise towards Christ.  The matter is I never felt "threatened."  Just utterly powerless.  I never truly "fought back" as if I was fighting for my life.  Merely often I would struggle or try to escape but he was big and strong enough to hold me in identify and then would tell me I was getting more than for disobeying and struggling.

Our church building was non-denominational just was charismatic and evangelical.  Information technology was non required (since I know lots of kids in my youth groups were in regular schools) merely home-schooling was definitely pushed.  I was domicile-schooled and was raised to not even think well-nigh college.  I don't know how wide-spread the do was, but I remember my parents had no problem threatening me with discipline where other people from our church building were within earshot and don't think e'er hearing whatsoever kind of daze or outrage from anyone else.

I don't know if my Mom was always spanked.  I never heard or suspected annihilation growing up.  Until I moved out, both her and my begetter spanked me, although he did nearly of it.

Nosotros met through church simply I don't know what his family unit background was.  His mother had passed abroad long ago and his father died presently after our wedding and I never got to talk to him much.  Our church building also pushed heavily this idea of "modesty" even at young levels.  Church youth group leaders would tell young ladies that "modest is hottest" and make it clear that exposing any kind of skin somehow fabricated a woman "loose" or "of a certain kind."  My parents had total veto power over what I could wearable.

Until I left the house, with being petite along with their ideas of modesty, I still wore little girl fashion underpants.  Comfy, but very kittenish, very full coverage stuff.  I remember beingness mortified our hymeneals night and wanted to find something sexy that would make me experience good (and I thought he would like, too).  I bought some lingerie (zippo actually scandalous) and wore a pair 1 nighttime.  He told me I was never to wearable such "slutty" clothing and made me throw them all away (after beating my bottom).




Ok, so this is more than widespread than I suspected if it's crossing over into charismatic churches.  What was your parents' response about the spanking?  Were they surprised past it?

Because of his behavior – with no rage, just an expectancy of needing to command you, information technology makes me call up this was normal within his background or upbringing.  Did you lot tell him why you were leaving?  What was his response?  Was your church aware of what was going on?  I'1000 wondering what their thoughts were on it?  Are you officially divorced at present?

The modesty issue and him not wanting you to get any kind of lingerie shows a existent distorted view of sexuality.  I can't call back if y'all said how long y'all were married.  Do you take any children? I'm just so pleased to know that you were able to break costless.  Are you able to support yourself okay?  Did yous become straight from home to marriage without any schooling?

Give thanks yous then much for answering all of these questions and your willingness to share your story publicly.  I know it will be very, very enlightening to many people.  The church needs to know this is going on.

cheers again,

Julie Anne


Julie Anne,

Thankfully my friend helped me move and helped me get set and even helped me secure a job.  She was in that location every step of the way.

We had no children (thankfully) and we are fully divorced.  When I left he was convinced that information technology was because of my friend and being led off-target and away from God.  He did not stem me or anything but vowed to constantly pray for me to come to my senses and return.

My parents were a little surprised at beginning but I remember they see spanking equally not the same every bit corruption.  They told me that I needed to do a meliorate job of obeying and not being disrespectful or difficult and told me I needed to pray more to be a meliorate wife.   When I left him, they did not abandon me just at the aforementioned time were not fully supportive and told me they were praying for the states to piece of work it out.  I love them simply our relationship is oft strained.

I am in my early 30s and this past fourth of July I was there and we had a flake of an statement.  They threatened to spank me if I didn't back down and I have no doubt it wasn't an idle threat.



Conclusion (from Julie Anne)

Part of me wishes this practice of wife spanking was limited to just one denomination and so it could be easier to expose, but it is clear from the above examples that we cannot. In the above examples, nosotros run across non-denominational, charismatic/evangelical, Reformed Presbyterian denominations represented.

The corruption comes in unlike forms. In Dr. Phil'south example, we run into a bully who used rage and acrimony as he spanked/assaulted his wife. He did it in forepart of his children as they watched and cried, saying that mommies go spanked for bad beliefs, also.

In Lauren's situation, she described her married man as calm and never in anger, yet he referred to her in demeaning terms, "petty daughter," as a father would say to a child. Yet, his "spanking" was always controlled which must have made it all the more confusing to Lauren.

Spanking of Children through Adulthood and Transfer of Headship

In my former church, we were taught past our pastor that ceremonious laws regarding machismo did not apply when it came to disciplining children in our homes. We were told that it was biblical to spank our teenagers, fifty-fifty ones who were over legal adulthood. This same pastor also told husbands to get control of their wives. Fifty-fifty without maxim the word "spanking," it would be piece of cake for a husband sitting in a pew to have that kind of teaching and think that a pastor was giving his postage of approving for wife spanking to get her under control.

Nosotros need to consider the importance of the correlation ofspanking of children through adulthoodand as well the transfer of headship from father to new husband when a young lady gets married. Information technology seems that both of these components brand it much more likely for a woman to be the victim of domestic violence/married woman spanking.

It'due south important to note that Lauren was spanked as a child through adulthood. The last paragraph of Lauren's e-mail revealed her parents sided with Lauren'south husband and believed her to be ill-behaved to her husband. They did not meet his authorization equally abusive, but appropriate. Plain in their globe, girls do non grow upwardly . . . ever. No wonder Lauren was then dislocated in her union. It's quite amazing that she had the strength to go out.

This post has been very difficult for me emotionally.  I've been thinking about this quite a bit.  I had another idea about the "transfer of headship" in marriage.Information technology seems the simply deviation between the role of a father and the role of new husband is that the new married man gets sexual privileges and now has someone to cook and clean for him, and bear children. I encounter no other difference in how these wives are treated compared to how they were treated every bit daughters. These abused wives are treated as children or objects to be owned.

Nosotros need to be enlightened of the existence of this atrocity in our churches and be assuming in calling it out when nosotros run into it. Information technology is insidious that this practice has connected in the name of God and Christianity. Young boys in these homes will probable learn this behavior of entitlement over women and echo information technology. Immature girls will likewise learn from the behavior and may discover themselves with abusive men considering of familiarity. In an abusive home, children do not accept a sense of a normal healthy marriage, and then this modeling of abusive behavior could affect generations.

When we protect and defend abused wives, nosotros are also protecting and defending their children and future generations.

I'thousand very grateful to Lauren for her e-mail and being willing to shed more light into this abusive practice so that nosotros tin have more than understanding of what she and many others are going through. May we all work to protect women and expose this shameful sin and crime  in our churches.

photo credit: Chiara Cremaschi via photopin cc


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